Array Yderligere oplysninger OM JYSK Vi tror på, at vores medarbejdere er nøglen til vores succes – og ikke mindst grunden til at vi er vokset fra én butik i 1979 til over 3000 butikker på verdensplan i dag.
Derfor stræber vi også efter at tilbyde udvikling og muligheder for at kunne opnå højere potentiale.
Vi sætter desuden en ære i at belønne engagement og en god indsats blandt vores medarbejdere.
Vores tre grundlæggende værdier i JYSK – Købmand, Kollega og Korpsånd – stammer fra vores grundlægger Lars Larsen.
De udtrykker den opførsel og attitude, som vi kan forvente af hinanden.
Hos JYSK har vi tillid til hinanden, og vi tror på uddelegering og frihed under ansvar.
JYSK ønsker at inkludere alle uanset alder, køn, race, seksuel orientering, fysiske og psykiske handicaps, etnicitet og erfaring.
Sammen sikrer vi en inkluderende kultur, der opmuntrer, støtter og hylder vores medarbejders forskelligheder.
Vi tror på, at sammensætningen af vores unikke personligheder og talenter gør os til et stærkere team.
Sælger Til Jysk Ribe 30 Timer, Ribe
Sælger Til Jysk Ribe 30 Timer, Ribe
Denmark, Region Syddanmark, Ribe,
Udgivet February 5, 2025
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JYSK is an international retail chain that sells 'everything for the home'. JYSK is owned by the founder Lars Larsen, who opened the first JYSK store in Aarhus, Denmark in 1979.
Since then, JYSK has grown to become a global concern, which is today known as JYSK GROUP. The JYSK GROUP consist of JYSK NORDIC, JYSK franchise and Dänisches Bettenlager.
Today the JYSK GROUP consists of more than 2,300 stores and 20,000 employees in 41 countries worldwide. Growth is stable and controlled, which means that every year we get hundreds of new colleagues.
Head offices are based in Aarhus, Denmark, and in Jarplund-Weding, Germany.
The word 'JYSK' has always been intentionally included in the company name, as it is often associated with modesty, thoroughness and honesty - three values that Larsen himself has always identified with. JYSK stands for trustworthiness, and a deal is always a deal.
We at JYSK believe that we can always do things a little better and become even bigger, so that we can still give our customers the best offers in the future.
We have collected our general thoughts on the future of JYSK to create our mission statement and vision. We want to do more than just give our customers an attractive offer based solely on price. Our entire concept should radiate our good offers to our customers.
- A great Scandinavian offer for everyone within sleeping and living
- To be customers' first choice
- To be employees' first choice within retail
- To be the world’s most widespread and profitable chain of stores