Job Description As a consultant in OIDS, you will work on projects ranging from optimising business operations, process excellence, IT transformations, and technology implementations.
Our main industry focus is within Financial Services, Consumer Products, and Energy & Industrials.
The job content varies but includes: Identification of business challenges, conducting analyses, and developing solutions Delivering results for clients by applying appropriate methodologies, tools, and insights Working together with clients to solve challenges and execute on delivery of proposed solutions Interacting with colleagues and clients of diverse backgrounds Presentation and facilitation using clear and concise messaging From day one, you will be exposed to the various business challenges faced by our clients, as we believe this is the best way for you to develop.
Additionally, we provide relevant training for you to develop both personally and professionally.
Qualifications You are either a master's student finalising your studies this summer, newly graduated, or have 1-3 years of relevant work experience.
We acknowledge that you do not know everything yet; however, we expect that you can identify yourself with the following skill set: You have a strong analytical approach You are proactive with a problem-solving mindset You are positive and have a can-do attitude You have strong communication and collaboration skills You are passionate about business transformations and how businesses operate You enjoy being part of a robust and feedback-oriented culture and are able to translate feedback into action You are proficient in written and spoken English You are passionate about using digital enablers to transform core business operations Not ticking all the boxes We encourage people of all backgrounds to consider applying with us.
You may not tick all the boxes, but you might bring something else we didn’t know we were missing.
Additional Information Do you want to be part of our team? Click the "I am interested" button above if you are ready to join our team.
Please send your motivational letter, CV, and grade transcript (bachelor's and master's). The application deadline is 28.02 2025.
We are reviewing applications on an ongoing basis and encourage you to apply as soon as possible.
Please do not hesitate to contact Nanna Domdal by email ( ) if you have any questions about the position.
We encourage all candidates to apply for the position regardless of, e.g., age, gender (gender identity and gender expression), sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or disability.
By applying for this job, you will be assessed against the Deloitte Global Talent Standards.
We have designed these standards to provide a consistent and exceptional Deloitte employee experience globally.
We look forward to connecting with you! In Deloitte, you will find passionate, caring people who are curious by nature and striving to evolve.
We value our different skills, perspectives and experiences and foster an environment where innovative powers thrive.
To us, success is the feeling that the work we are doing will outlast us.
The impact we make is not about what we achieve as individuals, but how we enable those around us to be their very best.
From professional development to leadership opportunities, we empower our people to be extraordinary by playing to their strengths – because that is how we can make a difference.
Are You A Young Professional Looking For A Career In Business Operations & Transformation?, Copenhag
Are You A Young Professional Looking For A Career In Business Operations & Transformation?, Copenhag
Denmark, Denmark, Copenhagen,
Udgivet January 29, 2025
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